Heavy Force partners with clients to achieve unique goals and deliver added value through technical expertise and disciplined engineering and project management practices. Civil engineering is the foundation of our business. We collaborate with reputable clients and contractors across the Maldives, delivering projects such as dredging, land reclamation, port and harbor construction, infrastructure, earthworks, and public infrastructure.
Engineering & Project Management

Dredging and land reclamation have been the core business of Heavy Force. They involve the removal of material from the seabed, typically to deepen navigation channels and ports. In most cases, the dredged material is used for land reclamation. This work is usually carried out in conjunction with our waterfront construction projects
Dredging & land reclamation

In line with its dredging work, Heavy Force specializes in waterfront construction and contributes to national marine infrastructure development and the protection of our vulnerable islands. The company is involved in the construction of wharfs and berths, marinas, ports, and harbors, as well as coastal protection through breakwaters and revetments. Additionally, Heavy Force provides sheet piling works, beach refurbishment, rock boulder placement, and geo-bag installation.
waterfront construction

While the company is specialized in marine and waterfront construction, it also has the capacity to provide services in inland infrastructure development that are related to its core business, such as road construction, pitch making, paving, and logistical support for resort development
Inland Infrastructure Construction

While the company specializes in marine and waterfront construction, it also has the capacity to provide services in inland infrastructure development that are related to its core business, such as road construction, pitch making, paving, and logistical support for resort development.

Our logistics division functions as the backbone of the organization and provides logistical services to our large-scale multidisciplinary construction and project management services. These include fabrication, modularization, offsite pre-assembly, procurement, marine transportation of bulk cargo, equipment rental, heavy lifting, salvage operations, customs clearance, decommissioning, and removal of construction waste.
Logistic Support